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Sweep file format

Temperature sweep files are concatenations of fit records as described above for a temperature range. These allow rapid temperature modeling through interpolation in supporting simulators (WRspice and Synopsys HSPICE). Sweep files are created with the cs command.

Below is an example temperature sweep file.

tsweep 91 0.1000 0.1000 0.008 500 8 0.200
tcafit  1.0000e-01  1.4086e-03  1.4086e-03  1.3185e-02
-8.51331e+00, 1.15164e-01, 1.29900e+00, 1.11105e+01,-4.05570e-01, 5.65607e+01
-1.06700e-02, 1.00009e+00, 3.58651e-03,-2.25268e-04, 3.57013e-03,-5.66586e-05
-2.47980e-02, 1.00072e+00, 1.14692e-02,-5.49747e-04, 1.15840e-02,-1.07382e-04
-6.31470e-02, 1.00196e+00, 2.92347e-02,-1.70767e-03, 2.93324e-02, 2.09767e-03
-1.86179e+00, 9.23541e-01, 7.52628e-01,-8.71131e-02,-4.37397e-01, 2.11473e+00
-1.56178e-01, 1.00378e+00, 6.81933e-02,-6.76474e-03, 7.04144e-02, 1.46763e-02
-3.74403e-01, 1.01258e+00, 1.53951e-01,-3.71976e-02, 1.73747e-01, 7.86682e-02
-8.73847e-01, 1.06711e+00, 2.56553e-01,-1.53780e-01, 4.86150e-01, 3.82557e-01
tcafit  2.0000e-01  1.4086e-03  1.4086e-03  1.3185e-02
-8.51331e+00, 1.15164e-01, 1.29900e+00, 1.11105e+01,-4.05570e-01, 5.65607e+01
-1.06700e-02, 1.00009e+00, 3.58651e-03,-2.25268e-04, 3.57013e-03,-5.66586e-05

The first line is a file header starting with the word ``tsweep''. The numbers that follow on this line are:

Following this header, fit records are concatenated. These are similar to the format described above, the only difference is that the header line is simplified to omit redundant information. The fit record header contains the following value following the word ``tcafit''.

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Stephen R. Whiteley 2024-09-29