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Circuit Description

In the old format, the circuit description starts immediately after the end of the control block, with the title line. In the new format, the title line is the first line of the file, and the circuit description is by definition what is left after removing the .exec and .control blocks.

This circuit description section of the file consists of conventional WRspice format circuit description lines. The parameters to be varied are replaced with $value1 and $value2. Alternatively, one can define a vector called value, and unit length vectors checkN1 and checkN2. Then, the parameters to be varied can be replaced with $&value[$&checkN1] and $&value[$&checkN2]. During analysis, the $value1 and $value2 (and the value vector entries, if used) are replaced with the current values of the variables.

Note that in the circuit description, it is often useful to use the concatenation character % to add a suffix. For examples, the file line might be

v1 0 1 pulse (0 5m 10p ...)
where we want to vary the ``5m''. If the value of $value1 is 5, one could replace this line with
v1 0 1 pulse (0 $value1%m 10p ...)

Without the %, the variable substitution would fail. Alternatively, one could set $value1 to 5e-3, and not use the ``m'' suffix in the file.

The concatenation character can be set to a different character with the var_catchar variable. If this variable is set to a string consisting of a single punctuation character, then that character becomes the concatenation character.

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Stephen R. Whiteley 2024-09-29