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Control Statements

The control statement block is almost identical in the old and new formats. In the old format, the control block immediately follows the header block, though in the new format this is not necessary. The control statements are evaluated at each of the checkPNTS, and set the checkFAIL flag if the logic determines that the circuit run has failed.

This control block begins with a line containing only the string

and ends with a line containing only
i.e., the standard form for a WRspice control block (see 2.10.1).

The enclosed lines are WRspice script statements that perform a logical comparison of circuit variables and set the checkFAIL variable accordingly.

The control block can also be supplied as a bound codeblock. This is accomplished, for example, with the command

codeblock -ab filename
where filename is the name of a file which contains the statements to be used in the control block. If a .control codeblock is bound to the circuit, the bound block is executed rather than any locally specified control block.

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Stephen R. Whiteley 2024-09-29