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Stage 3

In the final stage, the individual OASIS files for each grid cell are combined, using the equivalence file, into a single OASIS file. There are two ways that nets that extend across grid boundaries can be handled. The ``easy'' way is to simply copy all net cells from all grid areas into the output. For the nets that connect to other nets, choose a ``primary'' subnet (cell). In this cell, instantiate the other net cells to which the primary subnet connects.

The alternative is to actually copy the subnet cell geometry into the primary cell. This format is easier to work with, but requires more time and memory to construct.

When the output file is written, the equivalence file and the Stage 1 OASIS files are deleted, and the operation is complete.

If a net has an assigned name in the source file, (e.g., through a label or from a terminal) A NXNAME property will be given to the created net files. This is property number 7149, and the string is the net name. This is not presently used by Xic, but the net name may be useful to the user. Beware if using a grid: if flattening, the top net cell will contain the net name properties from all grid cells, so there may be duplicate or inconsistent name properties. If not flattening, the primary and all subcells should be checked, each property applies only to the corresponding grid location. In either case, conflicting names would need to be dealt with somehow.

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Stephen R. Whiteley 2024-09-29