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Advanced Operations

When a cell name is selected in the Top-Level Cells listing, the entries in the Advanced tab page become enabled. These operations apply to the cell data read from the source file for the selected cell, allowing windowing, flattening, and other operations. These are similar to the windowing operations provided in the Format Conversion panel.

Use Window check box
Windowing operations are enabled by setting the Use Window check box. A window is a rectangular area in the selected cell, which is specified (in microns) with the four numerical entry boxes.

With windowing enabled, only objects and subcells that have nonzero overlap with the window will be written to output. In subcells, only objects that overlap the window in the context of some instance will be included. Thus, only the objects in the file needed to represent the window area of the selected cell to all depths below the selected cell will be read from the source.

Clip check box
If in addition the Clip check box is set, the objects will be clipped to the window. This includes objects in subcells. Note that this does not guarantee that geometry will not appear outside of the window, since instance geometry may appear anywhere.

Flatten check box
The Flatten button will flatten the hierarchy under the selected cell. Flattening can be applied with or without windowing. Along with windowing and clipping, no geometry will extend outside of the window area.

Empty Cell Filter
The pre-filt and post-filt check boxes enable the two stages of empty cell filtering, as described for the Format Conversion panel in 14.10.

Scale Factor entry
The coordinates in the cell and its hierarchy will be scaled by this factor in output. This is done logically before any windowing operations.

No Hierarchy check box
If checked, only the cell, and not its subcell hierarchy, will be included in output. This can lead to unresolved references in the output file.

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Stephen R. Whiteley 2024-09-29