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Package Installation

Packages (precompiled program binaries) are being phased out in favor of building from source code. If you have compatible package files, they can be installed as described here.

The package distribution files are ``flat'' Apple package files. The installation procedure is pretty much the same as under Unix/Linux, using the wr_install script from a terminal window.

  1. Download the necessary distribution files and scripts. Probably, the easiest course is to download everything in the distribution directory for your operating system, into a new, empty temporary directory. Presently, there are eight package files and two scripts. The installation method below uses the terminal window. When downloading completes, cd to the new directory.

  2. Make sure that the wr_install and wr_uninstall scripts are executable (they might not be after the download). If not, use
    chmod 0755 wr_install wr_uninstall

  3. The installation location is under /usr/local/xictools, and can not be changed. You will need to become `root' in order to install packages. For future use of the automated updating features of Xic and WRspice, you will need to have your account enabled for the ``sudo'' command, i.e., your account name should be listed in ``/etc/sudoers''. If this is set up, the installer will ask for your password to enable installation. Otherwise you will have to use the su command to become root (which may not be enabled).

  4. Run wr_install with the argument(s) being the names of the distribution files, or ``all''.
    ./wr_install all
    The argument ``all'' is equivalent to vt *.pkg. This automates the installation procedure. Do NOT change the names of the files, or wr_install will probably fail.

  5. Add the /usr/local/xictools/bin directory to your shell search path, if you haven't done so. Once Xic and WRspice have been installed, updating could not be simpler. See the program documentation: In WRspice, give the commands ``help passwd'' and ``help wrupdate''. In Xic , with the mouse pointer in the main drawing window, type ``?!passwd'' and ``?!update''. These help topics explain how to set up and use the update features. The programs will check for updates when started. The user can download and install updates when available. (Warning, packlages are deprecated and the update feature is not supported presently).

  6. For a first-time installation, you will need to install and set up MacPorts. This provides the graphical libraries used by the programs. Following the instructions, install MacPorts for your operating system. Be sure to install the default package which installs in the default location (i.e., don't build from source and change the location). Note that the procedure also requires installing Apple xcode from the App Store. Once the basic installation is done, run, as root, the following commands:

    port -v selfupdate
    port install gtk2
    port install gsl
    port install python2_select
    port install python27
    port install autoconf
    port install pkgconfig

  7. Finally, if you are installing GTK versions and if you don't already have an X-server, you should install X-Quartz. XQuartz is the ``official'' X server for masOS and is recommended.

  8. You're done, and should be able to run the programs. Furthermore, you should be able to build the XicTools from source, the MacPorts and xcode provide the necessary libraries.

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Stephen R. Whiteley 2024-09-29