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Feature Availability Table

The rather complicated table below describes how various features apply to the input and output generation panels and functions.

Operation From Scaling Layer Filter Cell Name Mapping Windowing
Export Control W   w C,F,P o F,W,C
Import Control R Y r A,C,F,P  
Format Conversion C Y r C,F,P c W,C,F,E
Open Cell Hierarchy R   r C,F,P  
create CGD C Y r C,F,P c W,C,F,E
Script Functions
Current Cell
OpenCell R Y r A,C,F,P  
Layout File Format Conversion
FromArchive C Y r C,F,P c W,C,F,E
FromNative C Y r C,F,P  
Export Layout File
Export W   w C,F,P o F,W,C
ToXIC W   w C,F,P o F,W,C
ToCG W   w C,F,P o F,W,C
ToCIF W   w C,F,P o F,W,C
ToGDS W   w C,F,P o F,W,C
ToGdsLibrary W   w C,F,P o F
ToOASIS W   w C,F,P o F,W,C
Cell Hierarchy Digest
OpenCellHierDigest     r C,F,P  
ChdLoadGeometry   Y    
ChdEdit s Y    
ChdOpenFlat s Y   w,c
ChdWrite s Y   w,c,f,e
ChdWriteSplit   Y    
Assembly Stream
StreamSource   Y r C,P  
Trapezoid Lists and Layer Expressions
ChdGetZlist s Y   w,c
Polymorphic Flat Database
ChdOpenOdb s Y   w,c
ChdOpenZdb s Y   w,c
ChdOpenZbdb s Y   w


  1. There are three internal global scale factor registers, which are set in the various windows and with the SetConvertScale script function. One scale (R) is for reading, another (W) is for writing, and the third (C) is for format conversion. This indicator is shown in the Scaling column. The lower case `s' applies to script functions that take a local scale value.

  2. The layer filtering and aliasing module is a group of controls that appear in the Format Conversion panel and elsewhere. These maintain the values in the LayerList variable and related. A `Y' in the Layer Filter column appears where layer filtering can apply.

  3. The Cell Name Mapping module is a group of controls that allow cell name aliasing, case changing, etc. This module appears in the Format Conversion panel and elsewhere. The state for this module tracks two sets of variables, similar to InToLower and OutToLower, depending on whether the panel is controlling input or output. The code letters in the Cell Name Mapping are:

    r or w Reading or writing variables.
    A The auto-aliasing feature for cell name clashes is available.
    C Case conversion is available.
    F Alias files can be used.
    P A prefix and/or suffix can be added to cell names.

  4. The Format Conversion panel and others contain a windowing module, containing controls for entering a rectangle, plus Use Window, Clip, Flatten, and empty cell filtering buttons. Internally, there are two global register sets for the state of these controls, one for output and one for format conversion (windowing is never used for input). The SetConvertFlags and SetConvertArea functions can also be used to set the flag states and the windowing area.

    The codes in the Windowing column are:

    c or o Conversion or output values.
    W Windowing is available.
    C Clipping to the window is possible.
    F Flattening is available.
    E Empty cell filtering is available.

    If flattening (F) is listed first, the other options are only available when flattening. The option letters are listed in lower case for script functions that take local values as arguments.

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Stephen R. Whiteley 2024-09-29