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The Edit Button: Edit Property

The Edit button allows editing of the current property. If no property is selected in the text when the Edit button is pressed, the first user-modifiable property listed will become selected, and the text of that property will appear on the prompt line for editing. If a user-modifiable property was selected before the Edit button was pressed, the text of that property will appear on the prompt line. The up/down arrow keys will cycle through the editable properties listed in the window, selecting and placing the text on the prompt line in sequence. Also, clicking on an entry for a modifiable property in the window will select it and load its text into the prompt line.

The text in the prompt line can be edited, and pressing the Enter key completes the edit. The property listing will show the changes, if any. While editing, text from other windows can be inserted using drag/drop (from the property windows or the File Selection pop-up only) or with the window system cut/paste method.

When inserting text from property windows, hypertext references (see 3.1.2) are preserved. Hypertext entries can also be inserted in electrical mode by clicking on a device contact point or wire (node reference), on the `+ ' symbol of some devices (branch reference), or elsewhere on a device (name reference). Pressing Shift or Control while clicking on a device or subcircuit will bring up the Property Info window, whether or not editing is active.

For physical properties and value, param, and other electrical properties, the ``long text'' feature (see 7.9.5) is available. This is indicated by the presence of a small ``L'' button to the left of the prompt line, which appears when the prompt line cursor is in the first column. If this button is pressed, or Ctrl-t typed, a text editor window appears, loaded with the text of the property (if any). When a property is in long text format, the display listings will show only ``[text]'' as the content, and the prompt line will show the same string as a hypertext entry. In this case, just pressing Enter will bring up the text editor leaded with the ``real'' property text. This feature allows long, multi-line text blocks to be associated with properties.

The description thus far applies whether or not the Global button is set. With the Global button not set, when the Enter key is pressed to complete the editing, the property will be updated, and the text in the Property Editor will display the change. The operation, as with all operations described in this section, can be undone or redone with the Undo/Redo commands or Tab/Shift Tab keys.

If the Global button is set, the user will be prompted, in sequence, for a new string for each of the devices in the internal list. After the first prompt, the arrow keys and click-selection are disabled. Each device will be assigned a new property or a matching existing property will be replaced. For properties that can have more than one instance (other electrical properties and all physical properties) if the number and string of the original property shown highlighted in the Property Editor window match those of an existing property, that property will be replaced, otherwise a new property will be added.

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Stephen R. Whiteley 2024-09-29