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DRC Menu

The DRC Menu contains commands associated with design rule checking.

DRC Menu
Label Name Pop-up Function
Setup limit DRC Parameter Setup Set limits and other parameters
Set Skip Flags sflag none Set skip flags
Enable Interactive intr none Set interactive DRC
No Pop Up Errors nopop none No interactive errors list
Batch Check check DRC Run Control Initiate DRC run
Check In Region point none Test rules in region
Clear Errors clear none Erase error indicators
Query Errors query none Print error messages
Dump Error File erdmp none Dump errors to file
Update Highlighting erupd none Update highlighting from file
Show Errors next sub-window Sequentially display errors from file
Create Layer erlyr none Write highlight error regions to objects on layer
Edit Rules dredt Design Rule Editor Edit rules for layers

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Stephen R. Whiteley 2024-09-29