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Adding an Instance of a Parameterized Cell

Adding a pcell to the current layout is the same procedure, whether the pcell is native, or not. One adds an instance of a pcell like one would add an instance of any other cell. If a native pcell, the cell file name can be given to the New text entry pop-up of the Cell Placement Control panel brought up with the place button in the side menu.

Pcells saved in OpenAccess can be instantiated with the Place button in the Contents listing window from the OpenAccess Libraries pop-up from the File Menu. These cells are also available through the Cell Placement Control panel. In the text input pop-up from the New button, enter the OpenAccess library name that contains the desired pcell, followed by space, then the pcell name.

When cell placement becomes active, by pressing the Place button the Cell Placement Control panel, the Parameters pop-up appears. This pop-up displays a text entry area for every parameter, loaded with the default value. The user can enter the values desired.

In addition, a double-line box is ghost-drawn and attached to the mouse pointer. This figure does not represent the actual size of the instance, in fact it illustrates that the instance size is unknown. The instance size will not be known until the parameter set is used to create or identify the corresponding sub-master cell. This will happen when the user clicks in the drawing window to place an instance. Better, the Apply button in the Parameters pop-up can be pressed, which will create a sub-master without instance placement. The box attached to the mouse pointer will now be formed with a single line, and will have the actual size.

As with a normal cell, instances are placed where the user clicks. Note that the Parameters pop-up remains visible while instances are being placed. The parameters can be changed, and the Apply button pressed, to change the type of instantiation to be subsequently placed. Note that the subsequent instances will use the new parameter values, pressing Apply merely updates the bounding box attached to the mouse pointer.

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Stephen R. Whiteley 2024-09-29