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Internal script variables are defined and set in accord with instructions received. The variables and other context are cleared when an initial connection to the server is made or or final connection broken (and keepall is not in effect), or when ``reset'' is given.

Other state, such as the current directory and cells in Xic memory, is persistent, thus users should initialize Xic appropriately, and clear the database before closing the connection.

While in server mode (also in batch mode) the Xic functions that query the user for some decision are not available. If the prompt line editor is invoked, it will return immediately as if the user hit Enter. The return value is the default string, if any, or any text that was previously supplied with the StuffText function. The Merge Control behavior is as if the NoAskOverwrite variable was set, i.e., the overwriting behavior will be the default as set with the NoOverwritePhys and NoOverwriteElec variables. If neither of these is set, the action will be to overwrite the cell in memory.

The server produces a log file directory in the same manner as under normal Xic operation. These files are removed when the server exits normally, i.e., when a ``kill'' command is received. In server mode, there are files used that are not used in normal mode:

This records connection activity to the daemon.
This records the ``stdout'' channel from the daemon, i.e., the text that would go to the console in normal mode. Under Microsoft Windows, this file is not located with the other log files, but is created in the parent directory of the directory containing the log files. This is due to a technical issue in Windows.
This records the ``stderr'' channel from the daemon, i.e., the error text that would go to the console in normal mode. Under Microsoft Windows, this file is not located with the other log files, but is created in the parent directory of the directory containing the log files. This is due to a technical issue in Windows.

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Stephen R. Whiteley 2024-09-29